Radiotherapy, a common cancer treatment, involves the use of directed,
high-energy radiation. So to heal one form of skin cancer, scientists
are now developing a type of radiotherapeutic bandage.
Though tested only on animals so far, the bandage delivers radiotherapy
directly to a squamous cell carcinoma, and might someday
replace existing treatments, according to University of North Texas
researchers. Caused by too much sun exposure, squamous cell carcinoma is one
form of non-melanoma skin cancer. It's a common malignancy in the United
States, and an estimated 700,000 cases of SCC are diagnosed each year. Radiation therapy is useful and effective, it requires cumbersome
equipment, specialized instruments, and special facilities, the
researchers said. As a possible less-invasive, more functional
treatment, Dr. Anthony J. Di Pasqua, assistant professor at UNT College
of Pharmacy, and his colleagues explored a radiotherapeutic bandage for
To create the radiotherapeutic bandage, Bhuvaneswari Koneru, a graduate
student, and Yi Shi, a post-doctoral research associate, used
nanoparticles and a technique called “electrospinning,” which uses an
electrical charge to create thin fibers from a liquid. Prior to applying
the bandages, they activated radioactive polymers, which were embedded
within the fabric. Then, the research team placed the bandages on mice
with SCC for one hour. Over a 15-day period, the team measured each
animal's tumor size to see how effective the bandage was. On the 15th day, three out of 10 mice in the radioactive
bandage-treatment group had complete tumor elimination while the other
seven in the same group had significantly smaller tumors.
Di Pasqua and colleagues will study this technology in larger animals to gauge whether it might work for humans.
This site is for information on the various Chemo treatments and Stem Cell Therapies since 1992. This journey became bitter sweet in 2014, with the passing of my beautiful and dear wife. Sherry, had fought Non - Hodgkins Lymphoma(NHL) since 1990, in and out of remissions time and time again. From T-Cell therapies(1990's) to Dual Cord Blood Transplant(2014), she was in Clinical Trials over the years. This site is for informational purpose only and is not to promote the use of certain therapies.
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