Friday, July 11, 2014

Living Each Day to it's Fullest

Living with cancer will more than likely be the biggest challenge you have ever faced. For most people, it certainly is. Dealing with cancer and facing thoughts of death is a life-changing event for most people. For many, it can be a time to minimize regrets and make new priorities.

"My cancer made me take a closer look at how I spend my days. Realizing that they might be limited, I was determined to make them as good as possible. I vowed to use my time in ways that were good for me or brought me pleasure."

Try to live each day as normally as you can. Enjoy the simple things you like to do such as petting your cat or watching a sunset. Take pleasure in big events such as a friend's wedding or your grandson's high school graduation.

"One who conceals grief finds no remedy for it."

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