Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Breaking down the Brain Barrier to fight Brain Cancer

Neurosurgeons using lasers to treat brain cancer have discovered the technique breaks down the blood-brain barrier, a finding that could potentially lead to new treatment options for patients diagnosed with the deadly disease, Brain Cancer.
The blood-brain barrier is a sort of natural “security system” that filters out drugs and other substances in blood so they can’t reach the brain.
“We were able to show that this blood-brain barrier is broken down for about 4 weeks after you do this laser therapy,” said Dr. Eric Leuthardt, a professor of neurosurgery at Washington University in St. Louis.  
“So not only are you killing the tumor, you are actually opening up a window of opportunity to deliver various drugs and chemicals and therapies that could otherwise not get there,” he added.
Currently the research is in a second round clinical trial. The blood-brain barrier shields the brain from harmful toxins but also blocks potentially helpful drugs, such as chemotherapy.
The laser technology, which was approved by the Food and Drug Administration in 2009 as a surgical tool that can be used to treat brain tumors, involves a small laser tipped probe that heats up and kills tumors from the inside out.
As part of the trial, following the laser therapy, patients are dosed with Doxorubicin, a powerful chemotherapy drug known as one of the least likely to get through the blood-brain barrier.

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