Thursday, August 6, 2015

Black men much more likely to get Prostate Cancer

A new study published in the journal BMC Medicine reports that black men are twice as likely to suffer from prostate cancer than their white counterparts.
This finding comes in the wake of large breakthrough where researchers managed to split prostate cancer into five different types. Such a split has allowed researchers to find out more information on the disease, which could make finding future treatments much easier. Apart of that new understanding is also grasping just how prostate cancer grows, the best way to combat each type and, of course, who is the most likely to contract it.
Data from the study showed that 29.3 percent of black males were susceptible to prostate cancer compared to just 13.3 percent of white men. This information is very important, as it will give researchers new information to go on, and allow them more ways to try and understand who is at greater risk for the disease. Black and white men were at the forefront, with Asian men having the lowest risk for the disease at a mere 7.9 percent.

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