Immune Pharmaceuticals Inc.
announced today that it intends to expand its planned bullous
pemphigoid (BP) clinical development for bertilimumab, a fully human
monoclonal antibody targeting eotaxin-1. Bullous Pemphigoid is an orphan
auto-immune blistering disease of the skin affecting approximately
60,000 patients in the US and Europe. Immune expects to start enrolling patients in a Phase II clinical trial in Israel
to be treated during the second quarter of 2015. Additionally,
following an International Medical Advisory Board meeting held in San Francisco
immediately prior to the American Academy of Dermatology annual
meeting, Immune has decided to expand its clinical program to include US
centers in the Phase II BP development program. The Company also
intends to initiate studies to further investigate the relationship
between eotaxin-1 levels and the Bullous Pemphigoid Disease Area
Activity Index (BPDAI) and to assess the burden of illness from a
medical and economic standpoint. Immune has formed an International
Medical Advisory Board for the development of Bertilimumab in BP, with
Key Opinion Leaders including Professor Neil Korman (Case Western, Cleveland, USA), Professor Russell Hall (Duke University, USA), Professor Pascal Joly (Rouen, France) and Professor Dedee Murrell (Sydney, Australia).
Pharmaceuticals is committed to better understanding this orphan
disease and improving clinical outcomes and quality of life for patients
with Bullous Pemphigoid and other auto-immune diseases," said Dr. Daniel Teper, CEO of Immune Pharmaceuticals.
Immune Pharmaceuticals Inc. applies a personalized approach to
treatment, developing novel, highly-targeted antibody therapeutics to
improve the lives of patients with inflammatory diseases and cancer.