Wednesday, February 4, 2015

New Israeli Cancer Vaccine triggers response In 90% Of Cancer Types

Vaxil BioTherapeutics, based in Nes Ziona, Israel, has spent over half a decade developing ImMucin, a prophylactic cancer vaccine, which can trigger a response in about 90 percent of all types of cancer, according to the company.
“Vaxil is developing a drug to keep the cancer from coming back,” Julian Levy, Vaxil’s CFO, tells “We are trying to harness the natural power of the immune system to fight against cancer by seeking out cancer cells and destroying them.”
Levy explains that ImMucin is not a replacement for traditional cancer treatments such as chemotherapy or radiation. Rather, the company is targeting a different stage in the patient’s battle against cancer, specifically the early stages of the detection, as well as during remission. That’s why, unfortunately, the drug won’t be helpful to many cancer patients, specifically those who are in advanced stages of the disease, because it requires a relatively healthy body to be fully effective.

Even though ImMucin is a vaccine, it is given to people who are already sick, unlike traditional vaccines. So, while ImMucin’s scientific mechanism is one of a vaccine, from the point of view of the patient, it acts exactly like a drug that has physiological effects when introduced to the body.“Many preventative cancer vaccines today are not actual vaccines against cancer,” Levy says. “Young women can take a vaccine for the HPV virus, which doesn’t combat cancer; it’s a vaccine against a virus that has been proven to lead to a more serious cervical cancer.”
ImMucin works by stimulating a part of the immune system and teaching it to attack certain cells with certain markers that indicate the presence of cancer. When the drug is introduced during an early stage of cancer, the hope is that as a patient’s cancer begins to creep back, the immune system is trained appropriately to know which cells to destroy and which to leave alone.

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