Monday, January 26, 2015

Many Breast Cancer patients lack info on their Cancer

Many women with breast cancer lack basic knowledge about their disease, such as their cancer stage and other characteristics, according to a new study.
The lack of knowledge was even more pronounced among minority women, the study authors found.

"We certainly were surprised at the number of women who knew very little about their disease," said Dr. Rachel Freedman, assistant professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and a medical oncologist specializing in breast cancer at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.

Although the study didn't specifically look at the reasons behind the lack of knowledge, Freedman suspects that women may be overwhelmed when they're initially diagnosed. In addition, she said, individual doctors vary in how much information they give and how well they explain the cancer characteristics.
The study is published online Jan. 26 in Cancer.
Kimlin Tam Ashing, a professor at the Beckman Research Institute at the City of Hope Cancer Center in Duarte, Calif., reviewed the study's findings, and said that quick appointments may also be to blame for the knowledge gap.
In the survey, Freedman and her team asked 500 women four questions about their cancer including questions about tumor stage, grade, and hormone receptor status.
Overall, 32 percent to 82 percent of women reported that they knew the answers to these questions. But only 20 percent to 58 percent were actually correct, depending on the characteristics, the investigators found.
Just 10 percent of white women and 6 percent of black and Hispanic women knew all of their cancer characteristics correctly, according to the study.

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