Friday, September 4, 2015

Breast Cancer relapse could be predicted with new blood test

A simple blood test may in future provide breast cancer patients with an early warning of the disease returning after chemotherapy and surgery.
The test uncovers small numbers of residual tumour cells that have evaded treatment by detecting cancer DNA in the blood stream.
It is so sensitive that relapses can be predicted several months before new tumours show up on hospital scans. Scientists hope the test will also make it possible to identify genetic mutations likely to prove lethal to some patients, so therapy can be tailored accordingly.
Dr Nicholas Turner, from the Institute of Cancer Research in London, said: “We have shown how a simple blood test has the potential to accurately predict which patients will relapse from breast cancer, much earlier than we can currently.
“We also used blood tests to build a picture of how the cancer was evolving over time, and this information could be invaluable to help doctors select the correct drugs to treat the cancer.
“Ours is the first study to show that these blood tests could be used to predict relapse.
Blood tests carried out at six monthly intervals showed very accurately which patients were likely to suffer a relapse. Women who tested positive for circulating tumor DNA were 12 times more at risk of cancer recurrence than those who tested negative. The return of their disease could be predicted an average of 7.9 months before any visible signs emerged.

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